Wednesday, 29 June 2016

What is I.N.S.P.I.R.E?

Hi guys, so I figured that most of you may be wondering what  I.N.S.P.I.R.E is and what it is all about? Ok so, I.N.S.P.I.R.E is actually an acronym of seven words that summarise what this platform I have started is all about.

I: Individuality - individuality relates to our uniqueness. We are all unique and special with different gifts and talents. This platform aims to encourage to young females to celebrate what makes them unique and to never feel inferior to anyone because no one else is like you and that is your advantage over others. So important.

N: Noble - the dictionary describes being noble as being ‘excellent or of superior quality’. I related this excellence we posses to being like royalty. We are royalty. We are queens, so therefore we need to act and live how queens do. When we as females understand that we are noble, we will know our worth and set our standard high without ever feeling we need to lower them! Look at how the Queen of England dresses and carries herself, she is a noble woman. We are all queens in our own right and need to live out this reality! This platforms aims to remind us how noble we are.
Proverbs 31:10b: ‘Her worth is far more than rubies’

S: Self-love - this is pretty self explanatory. Self-love is the best love you can give to yourself and as a young female and you owe this to yourself. If you don’t love yourself first, no one else can love you in all honesty. Yes, it sounds cliche but it is the truth! Self-love establishes self-respect, self-confidence, understanding your worth, appreciating your strengths and putting yourself first. I won’t give away too much because I am in the middle on writing a post about loving yourself, so look out for that soon!

P: Purpose - we all have a purpose in life. There is a reason why we were created and why we are living. This platform aims to help young females identify their purpose by learning more about themselves by identifying their strengths and focusing on their unique talents and gifts.

I: Image - image relates to how we view ourselves and how others view us. As a young female, it is easy to get so concerned with our bodies and our makeup and hair and all these superficial things that we forget about the beauty inside of us! This platform aims to redefine beauty by encouraging females to realise the importance of inner beauty rather than our outward image. We were created in the image of God, therefore we are beautiful no matter what society defines beauty as! Remember that!

R: Relationships - relationships are a main part of all our lives and can affect us in various ways. For example, in sexual relationships, females definitely have more to lose if the relationships doesn’t go to plan! For my dissertation I studied how romantic relationships affect the psychological well-being of undergraduate students and found that it definitely does affect our psychological well-being to an extent. This platform discusses various relationships such as friendships (read my previous ‘Knowing the Difference’ blogpost) and romantic relationships and how to get the best out of such relationships.

E: Expression - finally, this is a platform where young females can express themselves in any way they desire! I aim to interact with you all on my various social networking sites (Twitter, Instagram and Blogspot) so please follow and feel free to contact me!

Thank you for reading. Stay blessed and stay inspired. Love you all xx

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