Tuesday, 22 November 2016

I'm obsessed with Myself (Part 2) !

Sorrrrrrry for the inconsistency guys. I’m still attempting to adjust to this 9-5 lifestyle…(keep your eyes peeled for the next post).

Following up from my last post, I passionately discussed about the importance of being ‘obsessed’ with yourself. In this post I decided to provide practical ways to put this into practice so that eventually it becomes a lifestyle.

We are often told to love ourselves, appreciate ourselves, value ourselves - but how do we do this? From experience, I have found that One of the most important aspects in this process is to remove negative energy from your life and surround yourself with positivity 24/7!

So what does loving yourself really mean?

  1. Love God 1 John 4:8. God is love. God created love because He created everything. Therefore, in order to practise the act of loving ourselves we must be in love with our Saviour first and He will make this journey easier. 
  2. Knowing your worth - Proverbs 3:15, Proverbs 31:10 - these scriptures describe the qualities of a virtuous woman. As a woman, God says you are valuable; you are special and you are priceless. Your worth is far above rubies. If you google the worth of rubies, you will find that rubies are one of the most expensive gemstones. This is what you are compared to, so start carrying yourself this way!
  3. Respecting yourself - one of the definitions of respect is holding someone's opinions/ feelings in high regard. If you can respect someone in authority, for example, a lecturer, then how much more yourself? Carry yourself as someone who deserves to be respected and respect will find you. You won’t need to demand it.
  4. Putting yourself first - your happiness is a priority, don’t allow your happiness to suffer at the expense of someone else who is probably not even worth it. I’m not saying you should be selfish, but just know when to focus on yourself and your well being. You’ve got your back at the end of the day!
  5. Accepting your weakness & flaws - in my first ever post, I discussed how we need to embrace our flaws as females and not allow them to overpower us. This is so important when learning to love yourself. Loving yourself is loving everything about you including the features/characteristics you may not like. These are what makes you, you. Embrace it.
  6. Forgiving yourself - I find it so hard to forgive myself if I'm honest. The things I've done in my past linger in my mind and I find myself bringing myself down from time to time. This doesn't allow me to be truly free. However, it is important to always remember that once you have made a mistake, it is done, it is in the past, no matter how bad you may think it is, it is in the past. God has forgiven you, so forgive yourself!
  7. Filling your mind and life with positivity - surround yourself with people that will uplift you and not bring you down. Surround yourself with people that are going places and adding value to your life. Loving yourself is ensuring that your mind is filled with positivity. Download positive apps, listen to some good gospel, follow positive people on social media and have positive thoughts.
  8. Not comparing yourself to anyone else - I've spoken about not comparing yourself over and over but I can’t emphasise how key this is. Comparing yourself is one of the most damaging things you can do to yourself. Your journey is not like another person’s journey. Your story is unique to you and you alone. Just because they have a 16 plate Mercedes car, or what is seemingly ‘ a perfect life’, you don’t know what is going on behind closed doors which is why you shouldn’t compare yourself but rather focus on you and your growth.
  9. Looking after yourself - pamper yourself, have some me time once in a while. It's easy to get caught up in everyday routines and forget to actually take some time out for yourself. Life is short so when you get the opportunity look after yourself. No one wants grey hairs early!
  10. Improving/Developing yourself - Finally, part of loving yourself is to allow yourself to become the best you can possibly be. I've recently written a list of new hobbies and skills I am taking up in the near future because I refuse to remain at the same level I am. I have so much potential and so do you, therefore, continually seek to develop yourself and don't be complacent at the level you are.

If you enjoyed this post, leave a comment and be sure to follow me on my social media accounts x